Package-level declarations
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Enum class representing the size of a ContentSwitcher.
Enum class representing the size of a ContentSwitcher.
Enum class representing the size of a ContentSwitcher.
Enum class representing the size of a ContentSwitcher.
Enum class representing the size of a ContentSwitcher.
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fun ContentSwitcher(options: List<String>, selectedOption: String, onOptionSelected: (String) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, size: ContentSwitcherSize = ContentSwitcherSize.Medium, isEnabled: Boolean = true)
Content switchers allow users to toggle between two or more content sections within the same space on the screen.
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fun IconContentSwitcher(options: List<Painter>, selectedOption: Painter, onOptionSelected: (Painter) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, size: ContentSwitcherSize = ContentSwitcherSize.Medium, isEnabled: Boolean = true, optionsContentDescriptions: Map<Painter, String?> = emptyMap())
Content switchers allow users to toggle between two or more content sections within the same space on the screen.